New Direction
I have decided to start on The Odin Project to continue my learning experience. This is a guided learning track that is meant for learning how to become a web developer. While there are several ways to learn coding on your own, I chose The Odin Project not only because it had the coolest name, but because it focused on actually building projects and creating a portfolio as you go. The focus of The Odin Project is learning Javascript, HTML/CSS, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. Since i have very limited experience with these languages, it will be a pretty rigorous program. But thanks to the current state of the world, time is one commodity that i have a large supply of.
New Tools
Most of The Odin Project will be worked on in a unix development environment. This will require me to install a virtual machine on my PC. I can tell you that right off the bat, this has been a challenge. Luckily, i pride myself on being a world-class Googler. Between reddit and stackoverflow, i am able to quickly find the solution to almost any trouble i have had with unix. In addition to Unix, we will be utilizing a lot of Git and Github.
First Project
There have been a few trivial projects that i have done so far, such as creating a google homepage clone as well as an Etch-a-sketch. My first big project will be to make a Pomodor-productivity timer. Most of it will be written in Javascript, but this will also be a great opportunity for me to flex my creative muscle and work on CSS and styling. This will hopefully be a worthwile portfolio project.