Matt Miller

I am a Senior Computer Science Major at The University of Missouri Kansas City. I love using the power of programming to solve modern-day problems.

Pomodoro Timer

10 Apr 2020 »


I have completed my Pomodor Timer. The Javascript part was not too demanding. I definitely need some more practice when it comes to DOM. I was able to figure out most of the logic and architecture parts fairly well. The absolute hardest part of the project for me was CSS and styling. The amount of times that i had to google: “HOW do i center a div” is truly astounding. I eventually discovered the magical powers of using margins and setting the values to austo:

#timer {
  max-width: 24rem;
  margin:4rem auto 0 auto;
  background-color:	#f2f2f2;

I used to be under the naive assumption that CSS was “easy” because it was not “high-level” programming. I can how valuable experience can be when it comes to something like this.

Future of the project

One of the cool things about programming is that it can be used to solve every day problems. It feels awesome to havge created something that i plan on using every day. The next step for the Pomodoro Timer will be to add sounds.
